
               author = "Barbosa, Tatiane Felinto",
                title = "Padr{\~o}es de alta vorticidade potencial sobre o Oceano 
                         Atl{\^a}ntico Sul tropical e caracter{\'{\i}}sticas 
                         atmosf{\'e}ricas associadas",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2012",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2011-12-16",
             keywords = "vorticidade potencial, quebra da onda de Rosby, Oceano 
                         Atl{\^a}ntico Sul, padr{\~o}es atmosf{\'e}ricos, 
                         intrus{\~o}es, potential vorticity, Rossby wave breaking, South 
                         Atlantic Ocean, atmospheric patters, intrusion.",
             abstract = "Neste estudo foram analisados os padr{\~o}es de alta vorticidade 
                         potencial (AVP) no n{\'{\i}}vel isentr{\'o}pico de 350 K sobre 
                         o Oceano Atl{\^a}ntico Sul (OAS) no per{\'{\i}}odo de 
                         ver{\~a}o entre 1979-2001. As rean{\'a}lises ERA-40 foram 
                         utilizadas na an{\'a}lise observacional enquanto que tr{\^e}s 
                         simula{\c{c}}{\~o}es com o Modelo de Circula{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         Geral (MCGA) do CPTEC foram utilizadas para an{\'a}lise das 
                         caracter{\'{\i}}sticas representadas pelo modelo. Na 
                         identifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o dos padr{\~o}es de AVP considerou-se a 
                         incurs{\~a}o da VP em 350 K de -1,5 UVP atingindo a latitude de 
                         \$10°\$S. O m{\'e}todo de Fun{\c{c}}{\~o}es Ortogonais 
                         Emp{\'{\i}}ricas foi aplicado no campo de VP nestes dias para 
                         determinar os padr{\~o}es de AVP sobre o OAS tropical, e as 
                         caracter{\'{\i}}sticas atmosf{\'e}ricas associadas a tais 
                         padr{\~o}es foram determinadas por meio da t{\'e}cnica de 
                         compostos. Os tr{\^e}s primeiros modos apresentaram a maior parte 
                         da vari{\^a}ncia explicada e distintos padr{\~o}es de AVP. Os 
                         padr{\~o}es identificados na an{\'a}lise observacional e 
                         num{\'e}rica foram similares, com diferen{\c{c}}a na 
                         posi{\c{c}}{\~a}o dos mesmos, sendo que no modelo a AVP 
                         encontra-se deslocada para oeste em rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o ao 
                         observado. Este comportamento teve influ{\^e}ncia sobre a 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o do modelo. O primeiro modo (CP1) 
                         apresentou um padr{\~a}o de intrus{\~a}o de AVP com 
                         orienta{\c{c}}{\~a}o norte-sul sobre o OAS tropical pr{\'o}ximo 
                         ao Nordeste do Brasil (NEB), influenciando a 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o desta regi{\~a}o. {\`A} medida que a 
                         intrus{\~a}o desloca-se para leste, a precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o no 
                         sul do NEB intensifica-se. A componente 2 (CP2) apresentou uma 
                         incurs{\~a}o de AVP com quebra de onda de Rossby (QOR) 
                         anticicl{\^o}nica associada. Neste caso, o comportamento de 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o sobre o NEB foi semelhante {\`a} CP1. No 
                         terceiro modo (CP3), h{\'a} configura{\c{c}}{\~a}o de QOR 
                         anticicl{\^o}nica com forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o de um v{\'o}rtice 
                         cicl{\^o}nico (VC) sobre o leste do NEB. Este padr{\~a}o inibe a 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o no leste e sul do NEB, mas ocorre 
                         convec{\c{c}}{\~a}o nas regi{\~o}es circunvizinhas. Nas 
                         tr{\^e}s componentes, o \textquotedblleft{duto de 
                         oeste}\textquotedblright encontrava-se intenso na 
                         forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o e desenvolvimento e desintensificou-se nos 
                         dias seguintes enquanto que a corrente de jato (CJ) apresentou 
                         comportamento contr{\'a}rio. Foi visto que a presen{\c{c}}a 
                         destas intrus{\~o}es de AVP sobre o OAS tropical impede a 
                         propaga{\c{c}}{\~a}o meridional das ondas barocl{\'{\i}}nicas. 
                         A variabilidade interanual dos eventos identificados na CP1 e CP2 
                         foi associada ao fen{\^o}meno ENOS. O n{\'u}mero de eventos 
                         identificados no MCGA correspondeu {\`a} metade do visto na 
                         observa{\c{c}}{\~a}o. A import{\^a}ncia dos ventos em altos 
                         n{\'{\i}}veis na regi{\~a}o equatorial e nas latitudes 
                         m{\'e}dias do OAS s{\~a}o ressaltadas nessa 
                         compara{\c{c}}{\~a}o, pois o vento zonal da regi{\~a}o 
                         equatorial foi climatologicamente mais fraco e a CJ mais intensa 
                         nos resultados do modelo. Na variabilidade interanual da CP1, os 
                         anos com {\'{\I}}ndice de Oscila{\c{c}}{\~a}o Sul negativo 
                         (IOSN) e positivo (IOSP) apresentaram muitos e poucos casos de 
                         intrus{\~a}o, respectivamente. Contudo, h{\'a} uma 
                         varia{\c{c}}{\~a}o entre-ENOS. Os anos nos quais foram 
                         observadas intrus{\~o}es, tanto em anos de El niņo (EN), La niņa 
                         (LN) e neutro (N), apresentaram \textquotedblleft{duto de 
                         oeste}\textquotedblright intensos, Alta da Bol{\'{\i}}via 
                         fraca, Cavado no Nordeste intenso, fraco vento zonal de oeste 
                         sobre o norte da Argentina e maior amplitude da onda 3. 
                         Caracter{\'{\i}}sticas opostas foram vistas nos anos de EN, LN e 
                         N quando ocorreram poucos casos de intrus{\~o}es. Este trabalho 
                         mostrou que alguns padr{\~o}es de AVP sobre o OAS tropical podem 
                         influenciar a quebra de onda. Tamb{\'e}m foi visto que a 
                         convec{\c{c}}{\~a}o associada aos sistemas frontais em 
                         superf{\'{\i}}cie apresenta um importante papel na quebra da 
                         onda, que por sua vez afeta a precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o sobre o 
                         NEB. A posi{\c{c}}{\~a}o da anomalia cicl{\^o}nica de AVP inibe 
                         ou favorece a convec{\c{c}}{\~a}o sobre esta regi{\~a}o. 
                         ABSTRACT: Analysis of high potential vorticity (high-PV) patterns 
                         in the 350 K isentropic level over the South Atlantic Ocean (SAO) 
                         was performed in the summer season during 1979- 2001. The ERA-40 
                         reanalysis was used for the observational analysis and three 
                         simulations with the CPTEC Atmospheric General Circulation Model 
                         (AGCM) were analyzed to verify the model ability in representing 
                         the observed features. The high- PVcases were obtained from 
                         incursions of PV of -1.5 UVP at 350 K reaching the \$10°\$S 
                         latitude. The Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) method was 
                         applied in the field of potential vorticity (PV) of the selected 
                         days to determine patterns of high-PV on the tropical OAS. The 
                         atmospheric features associated with the dominant patterns were 
                         analyzed through composites. The first three modes explained the 
                         largest part of the variance and distinct patterns of high-PV, 
                         with similar characteristics in the observational and model 
                         analysis. However there was an eastward shifting of the model 
                         patterns compared to the observations. This behavior had an 
                         influence on the model precipitation. The first mode (CP1) showed 
                         a pattern of high-PV intrusion with north- south orientation over 
                         the OAS, near the tropical northeastern Brazil (NEB), intensifying 
                         the precipitation as the intrusion moves to the east. The second 
                         mode (PC2) showed incursion of high-PV with an anticyclonic Rossby 
                         wave breaking (RWB) and the same influence in the precipitation 
                         over the NEB as showed in CP1. In the third mode (CP3), there is 
                         formation of a cyclonic vortex (CV) over the eastern NEB, 
                         inhibiting the precipitation in the east and south of this region, 
                         with convection in the surrounding regions. In the three modes, 
                         the \textquotedblleft{westerly ducts}\textquotedblright were 
                         intense during the high-PV formation, and the development became 
                         less intense on the following days. The jet stream (JS) showed 
                         opposite behavior. It was found that the presence of these high-PV 
                         intrusions on the SAO prevents the meridional propagation of 
                         baroclinic waves. The interannual variability of the events 
                         identified in CP1 and CP2 were associated with ENSO. The events 
                         identified in the AGCM correspond to half of the observed. The 
                         importance of high level winds in the equatorial and middle 
                         latitudes of the SAO are emphasized in this comparison, because 
                         the equatorial zonal wind was climatologically weaker and JS 
                         stronger in the model results. In the interannual variability of 
                         CP1, the years with negative Southern Oscillation Index (SOIN) and 
                         positive (SOIP) had many and few cases of intrusion, respectively. 
                         However, there is variation inter-ENSO. The years with intrusions 
                         observed in El Niņo (EN), La Niņa (LN) and neutral (N) conditions, 
                         presented intense \textquotedblleft{westerly 
                         ducts}\textquotedblright, weakening of the Bolivian high, intense 
                         northeast trough, weak zonal west winds over northern Argentina 
                         and great amplitude of wavenumber 3. Opposite characteristics were 
                         observed in the EN, LN and N years when there were few cases of 
                         intrusions. Some patterns of high-PV on the SAO can have an 
                         influence on tropical wave breakings. The convection associated 
                         with frontal systems presents an important role on the wave 
                         breaking, which affects the precipitation over the NEB. The 
                         position of the high-PV cyclonic anomaly inhibits or favors 
                         convection over this region.",
            committee = "Sansigolo, Cl{\'o}vis Angeli (presidente) and Gan, Manoel Alonso 
                         (vice-presidente) and Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque 
                         (orientador) and Silva, Maria Gertrudes Alvarez Justi da and 
                         M{\"u}ller, Gabriela Viviana",
           copyholder = "SID/SCD",
         englishtitle = "High potential vorticity patterns over tropical South Atlantic and 
                         associated atmospheric features",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "239",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP7W/3ASNMFB",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP7W/3ASNMFB",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "17 maio 2024"
